Friday, June 29, 2012

3 Weeks Old

Well, by now I am sure that you guys know that I had my first child on June 7th. And I must say having a baby is hard, but what is a little more difficult is getting use to having a baby in the house. Trust me when I say that everything changes. I love the time that I get to sleep, and that has changed dramaticaly. Now, I am sleeping for 2 to 3 hours throughout the day; and I am use to sleeping for 9 hours straight before I get up to do anything. I had more time to do stuff that I needed to do, or shall I say I had more energy to do those things. It was all about my husband before the Little Man came, now I am more focused on the needs of my baby. But the biggest thing that I can say has changed in the house is the amount of sleep that both my husband and myself are getting. But this blog is not a story about how my life has changed with a new baby in the house; it's really about how Lee Arthur Smith, V has grown and changed in the 3 weeks that he has  been in this world. Yeah, our world has changed quickly in 3 weeks but Lee has changed also. Lee is bigger than he was when he came home. He is more aware of his surroundings. He is becoming a little more comfortable and he is able to kind of shooth himself.

As parents, we are learning his little coos, and what cry means what. All of this has happen in 3 short weeks. It is amazing to me how quickly everybody is growing and learning. What's even more amazing is how fast Lee has grown and changed in 3 weeks. It's also amazing to me how much I love this little boy. See below for pictures of Lee Arthur Smith, V and see for yourself hpw he changed.

                                                    Lee coming home from the hospital

                                                      2 days old-June 9, 2012

3 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old

3 weeks old-Just took a bath and I am sooo tried.....

So this is my little man, and he is now 3 weeks old. He has grown and chnaged so much I wish I could just stop time because I want him to stay this way forever. But I know that he must grow up, so that is why I will enjoy every moment that I get to spend with him while he is still my little man. Tell me what you think or share your own personal stories about your little one. Until next time.......

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our 1 Year Anniversary

Last year around this time Lee and myself went to the courthouse in Rolling Meadows and vowed to be true to each other until death do us part; in the spiritual realm we became one flesh. That was a very happy day because two families joined to make one family.This day will always be a very special day because this was the day that my mother was born; my best friend came into this world. Today marks the end of our (Lee and myself) first year as husband in wife.

So, today I am reflecting on this year as so many things have happened in this year and I have changed in so many ways. I realized that in order for me to get what God has for me I have to stop waiting around for the perfect time to do stuff and just do it. I have always made excuses of why I could not do something; either I haven't studied enough or I did not have the money, so I would tell myself that I should wait to take my board exams. Now I am finding myself falling behind, but my dream is still burning bright and strong and I must find a way to get to where God desires me to be. I realized that marriage is hard work. I don't have any role models to go to when it comes to marriage, so I have found myself saying some stuff to my husband that I shouldn't say and it always caused more confusion between my husband and I. However, when I go to the word of God I always seem to find the solution to the problem. Within this year of marriage I became a mother. Pregnancy was a journey all in itself that I wasn't mentally ready for, but I had to get ready. I was always told not to get pregnant, so when it happened I was very upset and I just knew that my family would be disappointed in my because I hadn't finish what I started. I must say that I was a little disappointed in myself because I hadn't finished what I started, and now I was pregnant. But motherhood is another story and I will discuss that more in another blog. I also realized that I must accept my husband for who he is and know that I am here to help him be and do better, not change him into the man that I think he should be. And I have found that acceptance is something that is hard to do, because there is always something that you may see in that person that you don't like and you want to change it.

Like I stated, marriage is hard work but I am very happy that I am married to Lee. We may not have natural role models concerning marriage, but when we look to God and allow him to lead, all of our problems/concerns will be solved. Communication is also very important. We have to make sure that we communicate with God and each other. And we have to make sure that we make time for each other because quality time is very important. We are still growing and changing so it is very important that we stay connected. So, happy 1 year anniversary to Lee and I pray for many more anniversaries.

That's my story I would like to hear yours. Share your story with me or if you have some advise I am all ears. Until next time......   

Monday, June 18, 2012

Chapter 2: Starting A Family Continues

Well, I am back after 3 weeks and I have great news; I had the baby. Lee Arthur Smith,V was born on June 7, 2012 at 6:30pm. His arrival into this world was something else, and I must say that giving birth was the 2nd hardest thing I ever had to do. The first hardest thing that I ever had to do was say good bye to my mother. She was my best friend and I really wish she was here now. So, let me tell you the story of how my little man came into this world.

The journey started on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 8pm. This was the date that my midwife, my husband and I decided to induce my labor. I was so nervous and scared because I had no idea of what was about to happen. All I knew is what other people told me. I was told that getting induced is more painful than actually allowing labor to start on it's own. But I had other things to think about, and so my husband and I decided that we made the best decision for the situation that we where in. Around 11pm the induction process began and 2 to 3 hours later I was in labor. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor and another monitor that monitored my contractions. Everything was going good, and my contractions were coming very often and they were very strong. My midwife was very excited because she thought it would take longer for the medicine to cause a reaction. My husband was there, and I know that I could not have made it through the whole process without him. I thank God everyday for him. I was in labor for 14 hours and I had on dilated 5cm. My midwife was very concerned because they broke my water and at this point time was very important. The bag that the baby was in was protecting him from infections and because they had to constantly check me to see how I was progressing the midwife was ver concerned about my baby's health. So, now we had a decision to make and my husband and I decided that maybe it was time that I had a C-Section.

My midwife wanted to wait another hour, but I was done and I was so ready to have my baby in my arms. So, she made sure that I really wanted to have the surgery and I was sure. She called in the medical doctor to perform the surgery, and she told me that it would take awhile for the MD to get to the hosppital. I was scared and a little sad because I wanted to have my baby vaginally. But before I when into the hospital I told myself not to get stuck on trying to do everything naturally because I am a chiropractor, or because that is what a lot of older women say that I should have the baby naturally. I went through with the surgery and at 6:30pm on June 7, 2012 my little man was born and I can't explain the feeling that I felt. Every woman that I have spoken to about having a baby all say the same thing, the pain and the hard work is worth it. And they were all right, it was worth it, but I don't think that I want to do it again.

I am so in love with my little man and now I know how much God loves me. I never thought that I could love another person the way that I love him. He is so little and helpless and I just want to give him everything and protect him for everything. I find myself just looking at him and tears are coming down my face. I want him to do so much better than me, but in order to make sure he has that drive I have to show him. Because it is true when they say kids do what they see you do not what you say. I just pray that my husband and I are good parents and that we show him how to be a good citizen and a strong, educated man.

Well, that's my story of how my family was started. Now, I am on a new journey and I am so happy to share it with you all. Until next time......