For some reason I am mentally blocked with my workouts and my nutrition. The journey has become a chore mentally which has caused me to not want to do it anymore. So, I am finding myself eating foods that I know I should not eat, and I don't care. But then I go to a Weight Watchers Meeting and I am up on my weight; and then I feel bad and guilty for eating the foods that I ate and for not working out which makes me want to just eat. But then I leave the meeting motivated to do better, but then I hear a voice telling me that I am never going to be able to lose the weight so why try. And the negative cycle continues. I have been feeling like this ever since I ran my 5k and I have not been able to shake it off. I am not sure what is going on with me and I am not sure why this is happening, but what I do know is that I like wearing smaller clothes, and I like being able to walk up the stairs at my complex and not get winded, and I really liked the fact that I ran a 5k. So, why have I been mentally blocked as it concerns my weight loss, and how do I get over it?
The last time I was this close to my weight loss goal I was in graduate school and I was so focused on health and being healthy that it was easy to go and workout, but then I joined the real world and my focus changed to paying bills, and becoming a grown-up. I now have a family to think about, and I want to be around a long time, so my focus is just wanting to be healthy, looking good is just a bonus. But lately my major focus (my family) has not been able to motivate me to want to stay on track, and I find myself not caring about my weight loss journey. It all just feels like a big, boring chore; it's not fun anymore and I am not getting motivated by wearing smaller clothes, or getting compliments. What's happening and how do I get over this obstacle, because I have come to far to just go back to how I was-depress, sad, really over weight, and just not healthy? Well, I don't know the answer to my question but what I do know is that I plan to continue to go to my Weight Watchers meeting, tracking what I am eating, and working out, in spite of feeling like it is a chore. Maybe, just maybe, the motivation will come back and I will want to continue to workout and make better food choices and not feel like it is a chore.
If anybody has any advice on how I can move pass this feeling I am open to suggestions, and if you are feeling the same way please know that you are not alone and it is a mental thing and we will get pass it and back on track, just don't give up. I am telling myself the same thing too...;postID=3448776774907382198;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname
Until next time......
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