Ephesians 5:28-30 states the following; "Even so husbands should love their wives as [being in a sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, Because we are members (parts) of His body."
So, today I am thankful that my husband continues to chose to love me like he loves himself. I know wives say their husbands never listen to them, and for me some of the time that is true. But that 10% of the time, the time when I really need him to listen, he always rises to the occasion and really listens, and I am truly thankful for those times.
I have said my peace for this week, now it is your turn. What are you thankful for today? Until next time....
Notice what God's word tells husbands to do; love their wives as their own bodies; which means that my husband is to love me and treat me like he would love and treat himself. I feel that this can be a difficult thing for husbands to do, but some husbands make an effort at times. So, today I just wanted to say that I am thankful that my husband makes the effort to really listen to me when we talk. I know that sometimes I can just talk and talk and talk, but when it really counts my husband listens to me. I am thankful that my husband is learning how to love me like he loves himself. I am thankful that my husband is choosing to love me like he loves himself; because that is the first step that husbands and wives must make-to choice to do something. What I have learned in my many years on this earth is that no one can make you do anything, no matter what they may say to you about whatever, you will always have a choice to make and that is your right because God made it that way. So, by my husband making the decision to chose to love me like he loves himself is huge, and I am very thankful for that.
So, today I am thankful that my husband continues to chose to love me like he loves himself. I know wives say their husbands never listen to them, and for me some of the time that is true. But that 10% of the time, the time when I really need him to listen, he always rises to the occasion and really listens, and I am truly thankful for those times.
I have said my peace for this week, now it is your turn. What are you thankful for today? Until next time....