I am back, as it has been a long time since I last updated my site, but I am back with more live lessons that I have learned and I am ready to share them with the world. So, lets get right into my new topic, Being ashamed. I have found myself being ashamed of numerous amount of things in my life, and I also learned that because of this shame I am holding myself back from achieving so many things. It might have something to with fear. I think that if people found out about some of my issues that they might not want to associate with me anymore. I am also think that I am not worthy of the blessings that God has for me because of these issues. However, as I study the word of God, I am beginning to understand where this fear (the shame) comes from, and why I must just let it go.
I am engaged to be married, and if any of you have ever planned a wedding, or anything resembling a wedding, then you know just how stressful it can be and how expensive it can be. So, it has been extremely challenging for me and my hubby-to-be to make ends meet; but even before we got engaged we struggled financially. God's word says that I am rich, and that I am the head and not the tail; but in the natural I am in debt and I can barley paid for gas and food. Because I can barley paid for some of the basics I am ashamed and then I don't feel worthy of the blessings that God has promised me. I have never shared this with anyone; because I have wrote it out plainly, I can see how I am allowing the devil to stop me from moving forward. Also, the above statement is freeing because I can now began to forgive myself, as God has already forgiven because I have already asked forgiveness in Jesus name. But I have not been able to forgive myself and that is why the devil keeps on bringing it up and shame keeps coming into my life. That shame has stopped me from doing what the Lord has called me to do. God's word says that I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not beneath, I am rich because Jesus became poor. The Lord also promised that He is able to provide for me, which will enable me to support myself (2 Corinthians 9:8); stated in my own wording but I advise everyone to read it. The shame that the enemy is putting on me is causing my faith to shrink, and that is what the devil wants. Without faith, I can not do anything and the Lord can't bless me and then I will be stuck in my situation. However, this is not the purpose that God has for me, and because I am studying the word of God, my spirit keeps reminding me of that, but my spirit is also telling me to let it go, forgive myself, and learn from my mistakes and grow stronger, and continue to move forward. I have to stop looking back to over analyzing my past mistakes; which continues to cause me to feel sad and shame.
So, I am telling you all this because we all go through stuff like this and even the strongest person we know has a weak moment. But we all must study to show ourselves improved, because that it the only way that the word is going to get into our hearts to grow fruit. The promises of God are real and true, and He desires us all to live the life that He has called us to live. We can't continue to allow shame to come into our lives and cause us to stop moving forward. Let's learn together how to let it go, to forgive our self. Because we all fall down sometimes, but we can get back up In Jesus Name. Please remember that you are not the only person who has problems, we all have issues, but the different between the winners and the losers is that the losers quit and the winners keep moving in spite of failures (they learn from their failures).
So, in closing I pray that we all receive Gods forgiveness and that we all truly forgive ourselves for past failures, learn from them, and continue to move forward. In Jesus, we will no longer be ashamed of those past failures or short comings, but we will allow them to teach us. No more shame, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Follow me on my journey of forgiveness and let me know what you think. Until next stay encouraged.